
Students’ participation in seminars, conferences, workshops and symposia under the guidance of faculty, is a regular practice. They present popular papers – oral as well as posters, receive accolades and make the institution proud. Such involvement builds confidence in students and gives them better understanding of the subject.

The institution also encourges participation and presentation of students in such events hosted by our institution, and also those organized by other institutions.


DateDept/ SubjectName of the StudentTopicActivity/ RankLevel
State/ National
25/02/2022MicrobiologyChaudhari Drashti ‘Antimicrobial aspects of neem.

Essay Writing-
‘Best’ Rank
NationalMicrobiologist Society of IndiaMSI and New Arts Commerce and Science College Ahmednagar
Organized National level “Micromania- Microbes and Sustainable Developments” various competition
Gohil Hemangini Drawing Competition-
‘Best’ Rank
Deytroja Khushi Poster Making -
‘Consolation’ Rank